There are many treatments available to relieve your back pain in the short and long term. Once you determine the source of your back pain you will be better equipped to fix the problem (via a new exercise program and/or lifestyle change). Luckily a majority of people can treat back pain themselves at home with little or no equipment.
Your treatment can depend on what type of back pain you are experiencing.
Acute back pain: Acute back pain typically gets better by itself without requiring treatment. It is actually advised to go about your usual daily activities as much as you possible as long as the pain is not increasing. You will need to reassure yourself that you are doing the right thing and that time will heal. Medications are often needed to reduce swelling and pain. Getting up and moving should help ease stiffness, relieve pain, and has been shown to increase recovery time.
Chronic back pain: Chronic back pain can require surgery but luckily, most of the time, surgical procedures are not needed. Nonsurgical options should be considered and exhausted before recommending surgery. A small percentage of the time back pain is caused by a tumor, severely pinched nerve, an infection, or a nerve root problem and prompt surgery is required to minimize permanent damage.
When you NEED to call a medical doctor?
If you have recently hurt you back here is a list of items that may require immediate professional assistance as you may have a serious underlying problem other than a strained back muscles.
- Severe weakness
- Pain radiating down to your leg or legs
- Tingling or numbness in your arms or leg/s
- Loss of bladder control or bowels
- Pain is unbearable and not improving after 48 to 72 hours.
If you have any of these signs please contact a health care professional immediately.